A range of health insurance solutions for SPARK members.

Easily access the insurance and benefits you need to stay happy and healthy. From health insurance to disability coverage, we have SPARK members covered! The SPARK Health Insurance Marketplace offers a broad level of choice and concierge-level of support designed exclusively for members, employees, and dependents.

Sole Proprietors

Designed specifically for self-employed SPARK members and their dependents, Members Health harnesses the size and scale of our membership to bring you savings. If you are a self-employed 1099 / sole practitioner, start here.

Individuals & Families

Comparison shop amongst a wide range of health insurance choices from leading providers. Apply and qualify for government subsidies, if eligible. Benefits Counselors are available to assist you through the process.

Employer Groups

Offer your employees unique group health options and savings strategies. Cost control for the employer, and choices for the employee. All wrapped up with our complimentary benefits enrollment & administration platform.